Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to change screen resolution for laptop on TV?

I connected my lapotp to my Tv and decided to play around with the resolution while it was connected, when I changed it, a message came up on the TV that said ';format unsupported';.

Is there anyway i can change the resolution back to what it was because it just keeps saying unsupported whenever I connect it?How to change screen resolution for laptop on TV?
Depending on what Operating System you are using, it should automatically fix that. Ever since I can remember, when you change a setting like that, it will give you a confirmation box with a countdown timer asking if you'd like to keep these settings. I would guess that you didn't get that since you're asking though.

Do you still have a picture on your laptop display? If so, you can right click anywhere on the desktop and go to properties. This will open the Display Properties Window. On the 'Settings' tab of this window, you can set your display resolution, like i'm sure you did to change the resolution in the first place. In there, you should see 2 different 'Monitors' with the numbers 1 and 2 on them. Select the second one (with the TV connected) and change the resolution to a lower (hopefully supported) one. If you can't see the second monitor to select, or it is grayed out, try right clicking it and selecting 'Attached'. Hopefully that will get you to a point to where you can change it.

If you are still having problems changing it, you can try manually switching which displays the laptop is transmitting to. The laptop keyboard probably has a key with a blue icon on it, possibly looking like a monitor, or it might even say CRT/LCD. Depending on what type of laptop you have, you probably need to hold down the FN Key (if you have one) while pressing that button. This will cycle the laptop to switch between 3 display settings. Using Just the Laptop Display, Using Both Laptop and TV, and Just TV.

Still no luck, try plugging the laptop into another monitor that might be able to handle the resolution.How to change screen resolution for laptop on TV?
you can go to control panel, click on display settings, then change to what settings you want

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